
£4million for research, innovation and low carbon projects (Cherwell only)

Up to £4million* of European Funding is now available for low carbon technology and research and innovation projects across the South East Midlands.

This is a further opportunity to access funding from South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership’s (SEMLEP’s) European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) allocation and is an integral part of SEMLEP’s commitment to investing in economic growth and job creation.

There are two calls for funding now open under ERDF:

  1. £2million for projects which promote energy efficiency and renewable energy and which adopt low carbon technologies. Click HERE for the full specification.
  2. £2million for projects related to research and innovation. Click HERE for the full specification.

The types of projects relevant to the low carbon funding include research and development, innovation and supply chain work for low carbon technologies and materials, including, wave and wind energy, smart grids, distributed generation, solar and photovoltaics, heat networks, heat pumps and low carbon heat for energy intensive industries. The full specification provides further examples of types of projects relevant to this call.

Projects invited to apply for the research and innovation funding could include initiatives that develop a supportive environment for innovation in SMEs, promote networks and industry groups within key sectors and involve collaborative research and development projects between enterprises based in the South East Midlands. The full specification provides further examples of types of projects relevant to this call.

Please note that ERDF principally funds organisations which provide support to small and medium sized businesses to help them to start-up and grow. Applicants for ERDF are therefore primarily from the public sector, further and higher education establishments, local authorities and community and voluntary organisations. In some circumstances, private sector companies can apply, however it must demonstrate that the project will provide support to SMEs.

ERDF requires 50% match funding, which can be public or private funds. Minimum application size for applications will be £500,000 plus match funding. The full specification contains information and links to the requirements and eligibility of the ERDF programme.

The deadline for applications for both ERDF funds is 29th January, 2016.

Interested in applying for funding? Contact Chris Hill, ERDF facilitator, SEMLEP on 01234 436100 or by emailing chris.hill@semlep.com

Or log on to http://www.semlep.com/european-funding-2014-2020/

* the sterling value may change dependent on exchange rate fluctuations.