Access to Headington travel bulletin - 28.2.17
Work on the first section of Access to Headington (Junction 8) is now largely complete.
Over the last four months Oxfordshire County Council, designers, contractors and subcontractors have worked to upgrade the Old Road-Roosevelt Drive-Warneford Lane-Gipsy Lane junction in Headington.
This has included work to improve facilities and capacity at the junction for pedestrians, public transport and cyclists. The signals have been upgraded and cycleways added to Old Road.
The most disruptive elements of the works, some requiring road closures, were carried out at night between 6 and 12 February. This involved removing the existing road surface, laying of new road surface layers, installing road marking and inserting road studs for the cycle facilities.
The new permanent signals and controllers were commissioned on Wednesday 22 February and the temporary traffic controls removed.
The contractors are completing some minor finishing off work, fencing and planting over the next few days.
OCC would like to thank everyone for their patience during the work during this phase of access to Headington.
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