
Chancellor on-hand as Oxfordshire business leaders champion transport network development

Chancellor Philip Hammond yesterday (11 May) met with several Oxfordshire business leaders in Abingdon to discuss the importance of an efficient transport network across the county.

Mr Hammond was invited to Abingdon and Witney College by Oxford West and Abingdon parliamentary candidate Nicola Blackwood.

During his visit, the Chancellor listened to the views of leaders from across a number of sectors including technology and education.

OxLEP chief executive – Nigel Tipple – was also at the event and spoke to the current chancellor about the need for prioritisation of investment in the strategic infrastructure necessary to support economic growth in the county and beyond.

Nigel said: “One of OxLEP’s aims is to ensure that infrastructure needs are fit for purpose. We want to see that planning around the county’s transport needs do not hold back economic growth – whilst also being sensitive to the needs of the environment.

“Not only is a reliable A34 important to Oxfordshire – but also to the country, as a key arterial connection between the south coast ports, the north of England and critically the Oxford to Cambridge corridor supported by the National Infrastructure Commission.

“Our county’s ‘knowledge spine’ – running from Milton Park in the south all the way up to Banbury in north – means we must continue to champion investment in a first-class transport network.”