
Compass - Careers Benchmark Tool for schools

Recently, all schools and colleges in the UK were informed about the launch of Compass – Careers Benchmark tool.

Compass is a self-assessment tool for schools and sixth forms in England that they can use to gain a greater understanding of their careers education and guidance provision and to compare their provision to the Gatsby Benchmarks as well as the national average.  It has been co-funded by The Careers & Enterprise Company and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.

Compass works by asking schools to answer a series of questions about the careers and enterprise provision they offer. Schools should be encouraged to answer this honestly and reassured that this will not be used to rank them in any way. 

On completing the questions, the school will receive a confidential report showing how they compare to the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance. Over time a school can return to the tool, see their previous results and repeat the assessment if their provision has changed. Although the report is confidential, schools may choose to share it with their Enterprise Adviser, governors, parents, colleagues, and Ofsted.

Data gathered though the tool will also be used by The Careers & Enterprise Company to gain an overview of careers provision in schools across the country. 


(Click the link below to complete your school's Compass self-assessment)

