Funding opportunities for rural businesses in Oxfordshire
Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Growth Programme:
Rural businesses in Oxfordshire can now apply for this funding. It is designed to grow companies and generate jobs in rural communities.
You could be eligible if your business is carrying out a project to create jobs or bring more money into the rural economy. Your business must be within an area designated by Defra for rural investment. To check this, please go to this page and click the map under the Resources section.
There are three types of grant:
Food processing
Rural tourism infrastructure
Rural business development
This RDPE call is currently open until 31 January 2018. If you are interested in applying please see The RDPE Growth Programme Guidance. Completed applications should be sent to growthapps@rpa.gsi.gov.uk.
Please see here for further details.
If you are a rural Oxfordshire business and would like to contact us please email EAFRD@oxfordshirelep.com or call OxLEP on 03452 411 196.
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