
Ignite's UK Roadshow 2015

Ignite, a £10m social impact investment fund backed by Centrica, is looking for the brightest business ideas that use energy to make a difference in people’s lives. If you have an idea, we would love to hear from you. Applications will be shortlisted and finalists will be invited to pitch to a panel of industry and social enterprise experts in June 2015.  

*Applications open: 13th April 2015

*Final deadline for applications: 15th May 2015

For more information and to apply, visit our website: http://ignitesocialenterprise.com/challenge/

You should apply if you need some help to get your idea or business plan investment-ready, or if you feel you are ready for investment now.  The most successful applicants will:

  • Have an idea that needs a little polishing to get investment-ready
  • Be in energy or an energy related sector
  • Make a clear impact on people’s lives
  • Be UK based with social impact in the UK
  • Have potential to become financially sustainable without grant income
  • Eventually be looking for investment between £50k and £2m in 2015 

The most successful pitches will receive a package of pre-investment support to get your business ready to pitch for investment from the Ignite Investment Committee, including:

  • A Centrica mentor to oversee the support programme
  • Theory of Change coaching by an industry expert
  • Individualised business support and development workshops
  • Introductions to the Ignite network of ambitious energy-related social enterprises throughout the UK 

We will also be holding a number of drop in sessions around the country to give you an opportunity to meet the team, learn more about Ignite and to talk to us about your application. Please find dates and locations on our website. 

We look forward to learning about your bright energy ideas!

The Ignite team