
The IPSE Freelancer Awards 2016

IPSE’s nation-wide competition to find Britain’s most exciting, ambitious and enterprising self-employed people is now open.

The way we work in the UK has changed, and Britain is alive with enterprising individuals starting brand new businesses each and every day.

With over 4.6 million young and experienced men and women making the brave choice to work for themselves, self-employment in the UK is more colourful, diverse and important to the economy than ever before. And we believe this is something worth celebrating.

Because we know running a business isn’t easy, The IPSE Freelancer Awards aims to give those people brave enough to strike out on their own a little helping hand.

So if you’re reading this and see yourself as one of the UK’s self-employed stars, what are you waiting for?

Enter The IPSE Freelancer Awards today to be in with a chance of being crowned one of the UK’s brightest and best independent professionals and win up to £5,000 to help your business reach its potential.

Apply now