
Keeping Chippy vibrant!

Experience Chipping Norton to hold a public meeting on how local retailers can help keep the town vibrant.

With the British Retail Consortium predicting that in 10 years up to 30% of the UK's shops will close, ECN are holding a public meeting to better understand what this might mean for the town. Some of Chippy's most recognised and respected business owners will be discussing what, they believe, the town needs to start doing in order to protect them from such a doomsday scenario.

ECN encourage anyone who cares about Chipping Norton to come down to the Tea Set Cafe, Wedneday 16th March, 6pm-9pm and get involved with the discussion. Entry is free, but involvement is obligatory!

For more information on Experience Chipping Norton and what they do, please visit http://www.experiencechippingnorton.com/