
Local boss is Woman of the Year finalist in Business Awards

Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 17 August 2015: Beverley Sunderland, Managing Director at Crossland Employment Solicitors on Milton Park, Abingdon, is celebrating after being chosen as a Woman of the Year finalist in the 2015 Women in Business Awards.

Launched in 2013, Women in Business celebrates successful women across the south who have excelled in their business, profession or organisation and made a real difference in business over the past 12 months.

Beverley Sunderland was shortlisted as a Woman of the Year finalist in the small to medium enterprise (SME) category from businesses across the Thames Valley and Solent region with a turnover under £15m per annum. Beverley was judged on achieving excellence in her field and on her leadership, entrepreneurialism and mentoring skills, as well as helping her business achieve significant results in the past year. The winner will be announced on Thursday 10 September 2015.

Commenting on her success, Beverley Sunderland, Managing Director of Crossland Employment Solicitors said: “I was delighted to be nominated as ‘Woman of the Year’ by one of my employees, but reaching the finals now after a judge’s interview is fantastic. My team is looking forward to joining me at the finals on the 10th.”