
Mentoring Campaign from The Careers & Enterprise Co.

Funding Application Deadline: 19th August 2016

(taken from The Careers & Enterprise Company's website

https://www.careersandenterprise.co.uk/mentoring )

In January 2016, the Government announced the launch of a national mentoring campaign that will connect a new generation of mentors to pre-GCSE teens at risk of disengaging and under-performing. The Careers & Enterprise Company is delighted to have been asked to provide a coordinating role in this important mission.

There are many young people across the country that are at the risk of underperforming and not achieving their full potential. Mentoring can have a transformative effect on the lives of these young people, providing the inspiration and support needed to achieve more positive outcomes. Our aim is to support and celebrate these powerful human connections to empower young people and their mentors.

There are many organisations that are committed to providing mentoring opportunities for disengaged young people. We hope to partner with this mentoring community, to support and amplify their great work. Our role is to 'join the dots' between schools & colleges, employers, mentoring organisations and young people through positive collaboration. It is our ambition over the next few years to help create a 'movement' around mentoring that will create a long-term change in attitudes to mentoring across the country.

Working with the Mentoring Community

We are pleased to announce that we are launching an investment fund to help extend the reach of mentoring programmes to areas that need it the most. The Government will provide £12 million over the course of parliament to support the scale up of proven mentoring projects.

Our prospectus for organisations championing mentoring (PDF) outlines our approach to our mentoring campaign and funding principles. Please download our prospectus (PDF).

We believe that research and insights are critical to delivering successful initiatives. We are pleased to announce the publication of a report Mapping disengagement: Exploring young people's engagement with school(PDF) that provides an overview of disengagement from education amongst young people across England, and identifies areas in the country that need the most support. We have also undertaken a review of Effective Employer Mentoring (PDF) which outlines principles of best practice in employer-led mentoring.

There are various ways you can be part of our campaign, or simply to stay up-to-date with our progress.

  1. Become a member of our community
  2. Apply to become a funded partner
  3. Register your interest to receive updates and news of our campaign

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