
Opportunities: Capital Investment grants – Arts Council

Capital Investment grants – Arts Council

The Arts Council Capital investment programme supports organisations to develop resilience by giving them the right buildings and equipment to deliver their work, and to become more sustainable and resilient businesses. The Arts Council invest in large and small Capital grants and applications are currently being received for large capital grants.
£88 million of National Lottery funding will be invested in large capital grants over the 2015-18 period.  The available budget has been split over two application rounds: £45 million in the first round and £43 million in the second. The first round is open to applications now, and closes on 27 August 2015.
Applicants can apply for £500,000 and over, for large Capital grants. Grants of £5 million or more are likely to be exceptional. You are strongly advised to discuss with your Arts Council area office the amount of funding for which you are applying and you must speak with your Area Office by 13 August.
The deadline for applications is 27 August 2015.

Coalfields Community Grants – Coalfields Regeneration Trust
The Coalfields Community Grants programme provides funding from £500 to £10,000 to organisations who will make a positive difference in their community within one of a list of identifies wards.
Most voluntary and community organisations and groups working to regenerate coalfield communities are eligible to apply for this funding. The themes are:
•    Helping people into work
•    Developing skills and qualifications
•    Improving health and wellbeing
Applications should be submitted allowing sufficient time for processing before the required Committee date. The next Committee date for this year is 27 October 2015.

Local Sustainability Fund – Big Lottery Fund
Delivered by the Big Lottery Fund on behalf of the Office for Civil Society, the Local Sustainability Fund aims to help medium sized Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises (VCSE) organisations to secure a more sustainable way of working by providing funding and support to help them review and transform their operating models.  The Office for Civil Society has made £20 million in funding available to this fund.
The deadline for applications is 26 July 2015.

Inspired Facilities – Sport England
Inspired Facilities is a £110 million programme that funds the renovation and modernisation of local sports facilities.  To date Sport England have helped over 1,800 projects to improve and refurbish sports clubs or transform non-sporting venues into modern grassroots sport facilities. So whether you are a club, local authority, school or parish council Sport England could help you improve your facilities.
Grants are available from £20,000 to £75,000 (up to £150,000 for statutory bodies) for any organisation eligible to receive Lottery funding. Your application should show how your project will keep and, ideally, attract more people to sport and that your project is needed and wanted by the local community. 
The next deadline for applications is 4 January 2016.

Grants for the Arts Libraries Fund – Arts Council
The aim of this fund is to inspire innovative partnerships between libraries and arts organisations, and encourage library users and those living locally to take part in artistic and cultural activities.
It is hoped that this second phase of funding, which will be rolled out between April 2015 and March 2018, will once again inspire ambitious, innovative partnerships between libraries and arts organisations, and encourage library users and those living locally to take part in artistic and cultural activities.
Public libraries can apply for grants of between £1,000 and £100,000 covering activities lasting up to three years. The fund opened to applications on 1 April 2015 and will run until 31 March 2018.

Building Better Opportunities – Big Lottery Fund
Big Lottery Fund is matching funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects tackling the root causes of poverty, promoting social inclusion and driving local jobs and growth.
Big expect the funding to be delivered in 37 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas according to local priorities, which have been set by the LEPs, and will support projects ranging from improving employability for the most disadvantaged, helping those with multiple and complex needs, to improving financial literacy. 
LEPs and the LEP area European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) Sub Committees have made decisions about how much of their ESF allocation to devote to this strand of work, meaning that the amount of funding varies widely across different areas.
There are currently 71 funding opportunities now open for application in 25 of the 37 LEP areas, totaling £175 million investment. Further funding opportunities will open in autumn 2015. For more information on your area please visit the website.

The Arts Impact Fund – Arts Council
This fund aims to invest for artistic, social and financial return. The Arts Impact Fund will offer repayable finance to arts organisations working in England that can show how they are sustainable; have great artistic ambitions; and have a positive impact on society.
The Fund, created and funded by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Nesta, supported by Arts Council England and with additional funding from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, will offer repayable finance to arts organisations working in England that can show how they are sustainable; have great artistic ambitions; and have a positive impact on society.  It will provide repayable loan finance between £150,000 up to £600,000, and funding needs can vary. For example, an applicant may want to buy or refurbish a building or purchase equipment or need to pay salaries or buy in additional services to help the organisation generate more income, perhaps for a tour or exhibition.
There will be at least five funding rounds from April 2015 to April 2017.

The Preservation of Industrial and Scientific Material (PRISM) Fund – Arts Council
PRISM awards grants towards the costs of acquisition and conservation of items or collections which are important in the history and development of science, technology, industry, and related fields.
The PRISM Fund can offer grants of up to £20,000, or 90 per cent of the total project costs. All accredited museums are eligible except national organisations funded directly through central government.  Applications are also accepted from other charitable or public bodies engaged in the preservation of eligible material. This includes specialist libraries, public repositories and archives or libraries formally linked to local authorities or eligible bodies such as universities and religious organisations.
Applications can be submitted at any time of the year, and will be assessed subject to budgetary constraints. They aim to give a decision within two months of receiving a full application.

Power to Change Initial Grants Programme – Power to Change Trust
The Power to Change is an independent charitable trust endowed with £150 million from the Big Lottery Fund to support community businesses across England.  Power to Change want to back people to build successful community businesses for the benefit of their local places.  The Big Lottery Fund announced its decision to make the endowment to the Power to Change in January 2015.
The Power to Change will fund successful community businesses with ambitious and innovative plans to transform local places, and inspire many more people to start, support and grow community businesses.
By the end of 2015 they aim to have provided £9 million of funding and support to businesses across England.  A majority of this funding will be awarded through the Initial Grants Programme (IGP), an initiative that has been specifically designed to help new and existing community businesses that are in a position to make a step change in their journey towards long term sustainability within the next six months.  In order to help organisations assess whether the Initial Grants Programme funding is suited to their current needs and stage of development, a set of six criteria have been published which organisations/ projects must meet to be considered for funding through the programme.
Grants will be from £50,000 to £500,000 and applications can be made from 12 May 2015 with around 70 organisations aimed to be supported in 2015.
Other funding programmes will be introduced from late 2015, including:
•    A fund for early stage community businesses
•    A fund to help community businesses that are looking to become sustainable in the long-term

Help The Homeless grants
Help The Homeless's main funding remit is the regular allocation of Small Grants (generally up to £3000) for capital costs to small and medium-sized charities (those with a turnover of up to £1m per annum). Grants to larger charities will only be considered if the project is suitably innovative and it is only possible for a large organisation to develop it.  All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offer shelter or other forms of sustenance.
There are quarterly deadlines for applications each year.  The nest deadline is 30 September 2015.

Landfill Communities Fund – SITA Trust
SITA Trust provides funding for physical improvements to community leisure amenities through the Landfill Communities Fund. Not for profit organisations including charities, local authorities and councils can apply. Projects are supported that make physical improvements to community leisure facilities and historic buildings / structures in any of 100 funding zones around qualifying sites owned by SITA UK. Information on the location of these areas is available on the website.
Two funds are available to support improvements to community leisure amenities and historic buildings/structures. The Primary fund offers up to £50,000 to not for profit organisations wishing to improve facilities that benefit the general public. A Smaller Project Fund with no minimum amount offers support of up to £20,000 for vital projects with a shorter delivery timeframe.
The next deadline for applications to both funds is 27 July 2015.

Coastal Revival Fund – Department for Communities & Local Government
A new £3 million fund aims to help kick-start the revival of at-risk coastal heritage that has potential to create opportunities for new businesses and jobs.
The Coastal Revival Fund will support communities looking to unlock the economic potential of those hard-to-tackle buildings, facilities and amusements such as piers, lidos and proms.   Grants will be used to get restoration projects underway by funding initial work that will be a catalyst that attracts additional financing from the private and charitable sectors.  The fund will support projects that demonstrate the creativity, enterprise and passion needed to help seaside towns become year round destinations that people want to live and work in and has the potential to kick-start the revival of the remaining lidos and piers currently not reaching their full potential or facing neglect.
The Coastal Revival Fund will be subject to a separate bidding process to Coastal Community Teams.  The fund will not be restricted to applications from Coastal Community Teams, but Teams will be encouraged to apply to the fund if they want to for capital grants. The purpose of the fund will be to support the development of local assets of heritage or community value in order to make them sustainable into the future, and also deliver an economic benefit to the community.
The website states that “Further information on the Coastal Revival Fund will be published soon.”

European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Technical Assistance
Calls to run local or national technical assistance projects in England under the ESIF programme (2014-2020) are currently open. This is a local and national Technical Assistance call looking for projects which will deliver support for the development of projects, capacity building and publicity activities.
A total of £60 million of funding is available and the deadline for applications is 30 October 2015.

Growth Programme: Grants for the Rural Economy – Defra
The European Growth Programme provides funding to help projects which create jobs and boost the economy in England. These grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) manages the grants, working with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and local partners.
From March 2015, the RPA is publishing ‘calls for applications’ under the Growth Programme. The calls for application invite applications for grants in specific LEP areas.   Calls for applications are currently open in a limited number of LEP areas, as part of an initial phase, before the programme opens fully. These calls will only include some of the grants listed below, depending on local priorities. 
The website states that calls for applications will open across the country “from June.” The grants that are available will reflect the priorities of each local area and may include:
•    Business development
•    Business start-up
•    Renewable energy
•    Small scale tourism infrastructure
•    Tourism co-operation
•    Food processing
If you wish to subscribe to a newsletter regarding this programme and other elements of the wider Rural Development Programme for England please follow this link.

Childcare Investment Readiness Fund – the Social Investment Business (SIB)
This £500,000 pilot fund is managed by SIB on behalf of Department for Education and aims to support early years and childcare social enterprises looking to expand their presence in the early years market.  The Fund will provide grants to early years and childcare social enterprises for the purchase of specific capacity building support to help facilitate their growth and become more appealing to investors. Applicants must have a proven track record and the potential to expand their services into new locations. 
The Fund will offer grants of between £25,000 and £50,000 to purchase specialised investment readiness support to cover the costs of putting an investment readiness plan into action. The fund will offer specialised support from an approved investment readiness provider with a track record in supporting social ventures to secure investment. The deadline for applications is 17 July 2015 and SIB will be looking to make around 15 grants, with funded activities to be carried out over a period of 6 to 9 months and be completed before 31st March 2016.

Community Buildings and Housing Grants – Locality 
Any Town or Parish Council, Neighbourhood Forum or qualifying community group can apply for Pre-Feasibility grants (£1000 to £10,000) and Project Support grants (£5000 to £40,000) to help move a community building or community housing project to the point at which a Community Right to Build Order, or (in the case of community led housing projects only) a traditional planning permission application, can be submitted.  These are revenue grants which means that they do not cover the capital costs of land acquisition or actually constructing a building.

Community Assets Grants – Locality
The Community Ownership and Management of Assets programme (COMA) supports partnerships between local public bodies (such as local authorities) and community groups (including parish councils) to develop multiple asset transfer or single, ground breaking asset projects. Direct support and Pre-feasibility grants will be available for up to 50 partnership areas through COMA in 2015/16.
The programme opened in April 2015 to all areas in England, with a focus on areas including urban, rural and coastal, which tackle a variety of themes including deprivation, lack of public/community spaces, management of green space, abandoned buildings and under used land. Partnership areas with a clear commitment to partnership working are invited to apply. Pre-feasibility grants of up to £10,000 per organisation will be available to organisations within the partnership areas.
A rolling application window is operating and will be closed to new applications once the 50 places have been filled. It is expected that the programme will be at full capacity within 2 months of the programme launch date.
Partnership areas accepted into the COMA programme will benefit from the following direct support:
•    Up to 10 days of dedicated relationship management support from an experienced broker to help areas to develop joint strategies and action plans, with clear milestones and deliverables
•    Up to 6 additional days of specialist/technical assistance to undertake business planning for ambitious asset transfer projects.

Neighbourhood Planning Grants – Locality
Funded as part of the Department for Communities and Local Government’s Neighbourhood Planning and Community Right to Build support programme, grants are available to help Parish Councils and other groups to prepare Neighbourhood Plans. As part of the £22 million programme, grants can be used to pay for events to engage the local community, print leaflets and to pay for specialist planning expertise.  The support programme runs to 2018.
All groups writing a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order will be eligible to apply for up to £8,000 in grant.  Groups facing more complex issues can apply for specific packages of technical support where needed, and may also be eligible for further £6,000 in grant.
A rolling programme of applications is underway and is expected to be operated throughout the year.

Accelerating Ideas Pilot – Big Lottery Fund
The Accelerating Ideas pilot is testing a completely new funding approach. It aims to get great ideas and practice more widely shared and adopted across the UK.
The pilot is initially calling on ideas and projects focusing on the opportunities and challenges presented by an ageing population in the UK.
The pilot is intended to be open for ideas until summer 2015 although if a significantly higher level of interest is demonstrated than expected, BIG may need to suspend applications to the pilot at short notice.
BIG want to fund projects of national and UK-wide significance (in terms of interest, impact or influence) that contribute to the Big Lottery Fund’s mission to improve communities and the lives of people most in need. Funding will focus on projects which:
•    Address some of the most complex and challenging social issues;
•    Adopt and adapt tried and tested approaches across borders, issues and communities;
•    Increase the impact of projects funded by Big Lottery Fund or other funders;
•    Involve significant roles for Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise Organisations and for beneficiary communities.
More information is available on the website.

Planning Enforcement Fund – Department for Communities and local Government
This new time-limited Fund is available to local planning authorities in England, including National Parks.  The scheme provides a grant of up to £10,000 or 50% of its legal costs (whichever is the lesser) to local planning authorities to secure a Court injunction to prevent actual or apprehended breaches of planning control.  The scheme will run for the financial years 2014/15 and 2015/16 commencing in January 2015 and ending in March 2016.

Grants for War Memorials – War Memorials Trust
This scheme, funded by English Heritage and The Wolfson Foundation and administered by War Memorials Trust, is currently being reviewed.  As such, information may be subject to amendment in the near future.  A maximum of 75% of eligible costs are available up to a maximum grant of £30,000.  Eligible projects are:
•    Freestanding war memorials in England with no other functional purpose than as a war memorial (plaques, bridges and buildings, for example are ineligible)
•    Projects must be over £3,000 to be eligible
Eligible works include: urgent and necessary repairs and structural stabilisation; cleaning, under certain circumstances; works relating to ‘hard’ landscaping which form an integral part of the design of the memorial; reinstatement of lost elements which form an integral part of the design of the memorial when supported by historical evidence.
Ineligible works include: new war memorials; works to graves of any type; maintenance; alterations or additions to the original design; relocation; addition of names; cosmetic cleaning; work which has already started or been completed.
Annual deadlines are 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December.  The scheme is currently confirmed until 2015.

Childcare Business Grants Scheme – Government Equalities Office
The Childcare New Business Grants Scheme has been introduced to boost the provision of childcare in England and to incentivise entrepreneurship. It will encourage and support the starting up of new childcare businesses by providing a flat rate start-up grant of:
•    £500 for new childminding businesses setting up in England (those who are looking after one or more children to whom they are not related, on domestic premises, for reward and for a total of more than 2 hours in any day);
•    £1000 for new childminding businesses, as above, that will provide care for disabled children (applicants will need to demonstrate that they have incurred additional expenditure in setting up their business as a result of this);
•    £1000 for new nursery, out of school club, or childcare on domestic premises setting up in England.
The scheme was due to finish in 2014 but the government subsequently announced a further £2 million extension for the existing Childcare Business Grant scheme to cover 2015-16.

Rural Community Energy Fund
The Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) supports rural communities in England to develop renewable energy projects which provide economic and social benefits to the community.  The fund will provide up to approximately £150,000 of funding for feasibility and pre-planning development work to help projects become investment ready. RCEF provides support in two stages:
•    Stage 1 provides a grant of up to approximately £20,000 to pay for an initial investigation into the feasibility of a renewable energy project.
•    Stage 2 provides an unsecured loan of up to approximately £130,000 to support planning applications and develop a robust business case to attract further investment.
The fund is being delivered on behalf of the government by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis and there is no set deadline for bids

Urban Community Energy Fund
The Urban Community Energy Fund (UCEF) is the urban counterpart to the RCEF and was launched on 13 November 2014.  UCEF is a £10m fund to kick-start renewable energy generation projects in urban communities across England. Community groups will be able to access grants and loans to support renewable energy developments.
Grants of up to £20,000 are available for the more speculative, early stages of a project’s development, such as public consultation and preliminary viability studies.
UCEF will also provide loans of up to £130,000 to develop planning applications and a robust business case to attract further investment. This is intended to help projects become ‘investment ready’, that is, at the right stage to secure a bank loan or another form of investment.
The deadlines for applications will be on the last Friday of every second month beginning on 29 May.

Reaching Communities England – Big Lottery Fund
Reaching Communities funding is for projects that help people and communities most in need. Grants are available from £10,000, upwards and funding can last for up to 5 years. If you think you need more than £500,000 you must call Big Lottery before applying to discuss why you believe a larger project is appropriate. There is no upper limit for total project costs.  Reaching Communities can fund salaries, running costs, a contribution towards core costs and equipment.  Reaching Communities can also fund up to £100,000 for land, buildings or refurbishment capital costs.
All projects must address one or more of the following outcomes:
•    People have better chances in life, with better access to training and development to improve their life skills,
•    Stronger communities, with more active citizens, working together to tackle their problems,
•    Improved rural and urban environments, which communities are better able to access and enjoy,
•    Healthier and more active people and communities
There is a two stage application process.  After submitting a Reaching Communities Stage One application form, applicants will be told within 6 weeks whether the project is one that might be considered for funding. If successful, the applicant will be sent a Stage Two application form. Applicants will usually have four months to complete this.
From 15 October 2014 all stage two applicants to Reaching Communities will be offered an optional sum of money to use to develop the organisation’s knowledge, skills and confidence. Big Lottery want to support applicants to deliver their project to maximum effect. This offer is currently a trial and will initially run for two years. Full details on this offer will be supplied with stage two guidance.

Reaching Communities Buildings – Big Lottery Fund
The buildings strand of Reaching Communities provides funding for land and buildings projects costing more than £100,000. It can also provide revenue funding to help to get the building running and deliver project activities (for revenue funding or funding for a land and buildings project of less than £100,000, see Reaching Communities England).
Funding is available for building grants up to 2015 and there are currently no deadlines for applications. However, the programme is regularly reviewed and applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as they are ready.  To ensure that this funding makes the biggest difference to those most in need, it is targeted at buildings or sites based in the most deprived ‘Lower Super Output Areas’ in England.
From 15 October 2014 all stage three applicants to Reaching Communities buildings will be offered an optional sum of money to use to develop the organisation’s knowledge, skills and confidence. We want to support you to deliver your project to maximum effect. This offer is currently a trial and will initially run for two years. Full details on this offer will be supplied with stage three guidance.

Big Potential – Big Lottery Fund
Big Potential, a BIG Lottery Fund grant fund, will deliver approximately £10m of grant funding over 3 years to eligible VCSE organisations (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations) with the aim of improving the sustainability, capacity and scale of VCSE organisations in order that they may deliver greater social impact.  
The programme aims to raise awareness of the social investment market and support VCSEs who want to prepare themselves for social investment. Big Potential’s new website is now live and can be accessed here.
Eligible VCSE organisations will be able to access specialist one to one support from the Big Potential programme partners before making an application for grants between £20,000 and £75,000 to undertake more in-depth investment readiness work with one of Big Potential’s approved providers.

Premier League and The FA Facilities Fund – Football Foundation
The Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund provides grants for building or refurbishing grassroots facilities, such as changing pavilions and playing surfaces for community benefit, with money provided by the Premier League, The FA and the Government (via Sport England) and delivered by the Foundation.  The Fund is available to football clubs, schools, councils and local sports associations and gives grants for projects that:
•    Improve facilities for football and other sport in local communities.
•    Sustain or increase participation amongst children and adults, regardless of background age, or ability.
•    Help children and adults to develop their physical, mental, social and moral capacities through regular participation in sport.
Grants are available for between £10,000 and £500,000.

On-Farm Anaerobic Digestion Fund - WRAP
The On-Farm Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Fund has been developed to help farmers in England get financial support to build small-scale AD plants on their farms
The fund is being delivered on behalf of the government by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). WRAP understand that the main barriers to developing AD on farms are: access to finance; availability of reference sites for technologies and case studies; demonstration of the benefits of AD; the potential high cost of technology.
To address these barriers and encourage the uptake of small-scale on-farm AD in the UK WRAP has developed a programme to help farms access finance, provide case studies and demonstration information and provide support for farmers who want to use AD on their farm.  The fund will be available to farms in England, that have access to slurries or manures; and who wish to build AD plants producing up to 250k/W of power.
The scheme is split into two parts:
•    A business plant grant up to £10,000 to investigate the environmental and economic potential of building an AD plant on the farm.
•    A capital loan up to £400,000 (or a maximum of 50% of the project cost). This is available for AD plants producing up to 250kW of power.
There is a rolling programme for applications.

Heritage Project Grants – Heritage Lottery Fund
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) funds projects which focus on heritage.  HLF offer a range of different grant programmes with grants from £3,000 to over £5million. In assessing applications, HLF take account of the broad range of outcomes for heritage, people and communities that projects will achieve.  HLF programmes include:
•    Start Up Grants – grants of between £3,000-£10,000 to help create a new organisation to look after heritage or engage people with it. This grant can also support existing groups taking on new responsibilities for heritage.
•    Grants for Places of Worship – historic places of worship are often at the heart of communities. Grants from £10,000–£250,000 can fund urgent structural repairs and help to make them better places for everyone to visit.
•    Parks for People – for projects related to historic parks and cemeteries in the UK. You can apply for a grant from £100,000 to £5million. Applications go through a two round process and must be submitted by either 28 February for a decision in June or by 31 August for a decision in December.
•    Transition Funding – available to organisations in the UK who want to achieve significant strategic change (through acquiring new skills or knowledge, or new models of governance, leadership, business and income) in order to become more resilient and sustain improved management of heritage for the long term.  To apply you must be a previous recipient of an HLF grant.  You can apply for a grant of more than £10,000 and up to £100,000.
•    Heritage Enterprise – supports enterprising community organisations across the UK to rescue neglected historic buildings and sites and unlock their economic potential.  You can apply for a grant from £100,000 to £5million.
•    Sharing Heritage – for any type of project related to national, regional or local heritage in the UK.  Applications can be made for a grant from £3,000 to £10,000.  The fund is available to not-for-profit organisations or partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations wanting to explore, share and celebrate their community’s heritage.  This is a rolling programme and applications can be submitted at any time.
•    Our Heritage – for any type of project related to national, regional or local heritage in the UK. Applications can be made for a grant of more than £10,000 and up to £100,000.  HLF fund applications from not-for-profit organisations, private owners of heritage (including individuals and for-profit organisations) and partnerships.  This is a rolling programme and applications can be made at any time.
•    Heritage Grants – HLF’s open programme for any type of project related to the national, regional, or local heritage in the UK. You can apply for a grant of over £100,000. Heritage Grants applications go through a two-round process. This is so that you can apply at an early stage of planning your project and get an idea of whether you have a good chance of getting a grant before you submit your proposals in greater detail.
•    Young Roots – for projects that engage young people with heritage in the UK.  Applications can be made for a grant of more than £10,000 and up to £50,000.  Under this programme, HLF fund partnerships of heritage and youth organisations to help young people shape and deliver their own projects in safe environments.  This is a rolling programme and applications can be made at any time.
For information on all HLF programmes visit the website.

Review of the cost of providing childcare: call for evidence – Department for Education
Evidence is sought as part of this consultation which will:
•    improve government understanding of how much it costs early years providers to provide childcare 
•    inform the outcome of the review into the cost of providing childcare 
Early years providers are organisations that offer education for children aged under 5, including nurseries and childminders.
This consultation closes on 10 August 2015.