Oxfordshire's Low Carbon Economy Report
Oxfordshire has ambitious plans for economic growth, building on its already strong capacity in knowledge-intensive sectors. The growth plans place new pressures on local infrastructure, notably for transport and housing. Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, commented that ‘doing nothing is not an option’ at a presentation of the Council’s ‘Connecting Oxfordshire’ strategy in July 2014.
The Oxfordshire’s Low Carbon Economy report makes a timely contribution to the current debate about Oxfordshire’s future to 2030. It evaluates the economic case for investment in the low carbon economy in Oxfordshire, focusing on innovation and infrastructure. It also analyses the climate change impacts of growth in the city-region, and sets out a case for strategic investment in research, development and deployment (RD&D), using the need to upgrade local infrastructure as a proving ground for goods and services with potential for export.
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