
Significant funding announced for Oxfordshire

This week (28 July) – three European Social Funds (ESF) for Oxfordshire have been announced. To tie-in with this announcement, OxLEP is encouraging businesses and individuals to apply for funding, helping to address specific skills requirements within the county.

Support us to meet our vision to position Oxfordshire as 'a vibrant, world-leading economy', by applying for these funds.

The funding opportunities available for Oxfordshire are:

Skills opportunities for growth in Oxfordshire:

  • Call to run a project to address current and future skills shortages
  • Support for intermediate, technical and advanced skills in several identified sectors
  • Around £2.45m of funding available

Training and employment for jobseekers and inactive people in Oxfordshire:

  • Call to run a project to address the needs of unemployed and inactive people
  • Supporting these groups to effectively compete and access jobs
  • Around £1.2m of funding available

Skills for business in Oxfordshire:

  • Call to meet the needs of Oxfordshire employers
  • Better match local skills provision to the needs of businesses across a range of sectors
  • Around £572,000 of funding available

Could you play your part and create a project addressing these specific needs, via any of the three ESF funding opportunities? Unsure as to whether your project idea meets the set criteria?

Please talk to us.

Call: 0345 241 1196 or email the OxLEP Strategy and Programmes team with your query.

The deadline for all applications is Friday 29 September. Apply now via the ESF website.

We look forward to speaking with you.