
Entrepreneurs Forum drinks - September

Thursday, 17 September, 2015 - 18:00 to Tuesday, 17 November, 2015 - 20:00

This is a gathering of Oxfordshire based entrepreneurs brought together by the Knowledge Transfer Network, the Oxford LEP and Future Business. The objective is to create a high energy informal networking event to connect entrepreneurs, investors and other members of the Oxfordshire entrepreneurial ecosystem. The agenda is very simple: you come, you meet people, and you have a drink or two.

In addition we are here to:

1. Connect you to other parts of the business community in order to grow Oxfordshire's economy.

2. Help you access the wealth of resources already available in Oxfordshire.

3. Identify gaps in service provision that need to be addressed to grow Oxfordshire’s economy.

4. Signpost you to national support, in particular from the Knowledge Transfer Network and in particular with respect to funding. 

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