
Engineering UK Report 2016

Engineering UK 2016 The State of Engineering analyses the engineering industry’s capacity for growth and details engineering in education, training and employment. Now in its eighteenth year, the report provides the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) community, Government, industry and the third sector with a compelling evidence base.

There are three overriding messages from the report. Firstly, that engineering and skilled engineers make a significant contribution to the UK economy and its productivity as well as working towards mitigating the grand global challenges of climate change, ageing populations, food, clean water and energy.

Secondly, that the UK at all levels of education does not have the current capacity or the required rate of growth needed to meet the forecast demand for skilled engineers and technicians by 2022.

Thirdly, through concerted and co-ordinated action, the engineering community and employers in particular can make a demonstrable difference by working with schools and colleges to inspiring future generations to pursue relevant qualifications and go on to careers in engineering.

Click on the report below to read the full report.