
Access to Headington bulletin - 10.10.16

The first phase of Access to Headington is due to begin on Monday 17 October 2016.

We will be installing 4-way temporary traffic lights at the junction of Old Road-Roosevelt Drive-Gipsy Lane-Warneford Lane, which will be manually controlled during the day to help traffic flow.

Although we will be doing what we can to minimise disruption, delays to journeys are expected and we would advise you to allow extra time.

The first part of this work will involve us working on the islands on Warneford Lane, Old Road and Roosevelt Drive. This will take approximately 2 weeks before we start on the corners of the junction. This junction improvement will be complete by March 2017.

The site working hours are 7:30am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, 7:30am to 4:30pm on Friday and 7:30am – 1pm on Saturdays.

Why are we doing this work?

The objectives of Access to Headington are to:

  • Manage growth in car traffic by improving provision for more walking, cycling and use of public transport
  • Reduce congestion
  • Support job growth in health, innovation and education by improving access to major sites such as hospitals and universities
  • Provide safer options for travel to school and university for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Promote health and wellbeing by reducing transport’s environmental impacts

Bus Stops

During the first 2 weeks, we will be moving the bus stop on Warneford Lane (travelling westbound) slightly further along the road to allow the bus to stop in an area which won’t cause a backup of traffic through the junction.

During phase 2 (due to start at the beginning of November), which will see us working on the corner of Warneford Lane and Gipsy Lane and also on the corner of Old Road and Roosevelt Drive, we will be temporarily closing the bus stop on Old Road (travelling westbound) and we will be moving the bus stop on the corner of Valentia Road further up Old Road to accommodate our works.

We are working closely with the bus companies to minimise disruption as much as possible.

Find out more

More information on the project, including traffic management drawings and the final layout can be found on the Oxfordshire County Council website.

You can also keep up to date with information by signing up to our fortnightly project news bulletin.

If you have any questions relating to the scheme, please do not hesitate to contact us via our project email address: accessheadington@oxfordshire.gov.uk