Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards 2020 broadcast
As the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards 2020 unfortunately isn't able to take place as a live event at this year, we have prepared a pre-recorded broadcast, featuring all the sponsors announcing their finalists and winners as they would have done on stage, introduced and linked by our host Simon Newton, MD of Darke & Taylor.
The broadcast will start at 7pm on the evening of 1st October. During the broadcast, the sponsors of each award will announce the finalists in their category and reveal their winner. Once all the category winners have been announced, an overall 'Oxfordshire Apprentice of the Year 2020' will be announced by headline sponsor High Spec Composites, chosen from the winners of the four Apprentice categories.
You are invited to join the finalists and their colleagues and families in watching the broadcast. Registration is essential at: https://dashboard.gotowebinar.com/webinar/7152322448948551692
See the list of categories and finalists at www.oxfordshireapprenticeships.co.uk/awards
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