Visit from UKTI's Simon Goon
Invest in Oxfordshire hosted the Director of Economic Development at UKTI, Simon Goon who visited Oxfordshire to find out about the assets and facilities on offer to businesses here.
This included a visit to the University of Oxford's Structural Genomics Consortium within the Medical Sciences Division. Oxfordshire is the centre of the largest and fastest growing bio-tech cluster in the UK and is well placed to service the needs of companies in Life Sciences, especially with the industry’s renewed focus on early stage trials, external innovation and collaboration.
To find out more about the Oxfordshire bio-tech cluster click here or download our two-page overview of the Life Sciences sector in Oxfordshire from the following link: Life Sciences sector sheet (pdf format, 382Kb).
The visit also included a tour of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory's Space facilities at Harwell Oxford. As one of Europe's top destinations for science and technology, scientific research and space technologies is clustered aroundScience Vale UK and its ‘Enterprise Zone’.
You can find out more about the Oxfordshire Space-Related Technologies cluster click here or download our two-page overview of the Space-Related Technologies sector in Oxfordshire from the following link: Space-Related Technologies sector sheet (pdf format, 356Kb)
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