
New initiative to interest Oxfordshire's young people in careers in science

As the cost of going to university rises, more and more, young people are stopping to think about whether it is the best next step for them.

As a consequence, apprenticeships are back in the spotlight and numbers are rising across all sectors – including those in science, engineering and advanced manufacturing.

The Apprenticeship Launchpad is an exciting, new initiative being led by Oxfordshire County Council and supported by Science Oxford. It is based around the Science Vale UK (SVUK) area of Abingdon, Didcot and Culham.

The aim of the programme is to increase the interest of young people in working locally in careers with companies in the science, engineering and advanced manufacturing sectors.

Through six after-school sessions at local company venues, members of the Launchpad will meet and talk to employees, tour work place facilities, undertake practical hands-on challenges, meet existing apprentices and gain useful tips about how to become quality apprenticeship applicants.

The first session will take place in May and the Launchpad has been planned so that by the end of the sixth session in January 2014, apprenticeship vacancies will be available for young people to make their applications.

Five local schools in the Abingdon and Didcot area have already signed up to promote the Apprenticeship Launchpad to their Year 10 students who are studying science and technology subjects with enthusiasm, dedication and with a genuine interest in the subjects. Businesses are already keen to be involved as it is an opportunity for them to directly connect with their local future workforce, to raise their profile in the community, and to foster high-quality apprenticeship applicants.

Helen Johnson, skills partnership officer for Oxfordshire County Council, said “There’s never been a better time for local businesses to engage young people in their sector and to encourage them to think about apprenticeships as a route to further qualifications and employment”.

John Hill, apprenticeship manage at STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory said “We are excited to be involved in this new initiative, enabling us to get to know our future apprenticeship applicants and showcase what we do to encourage young people into our sector.

If you are a science, engineering or advanced manufacturing company in Oxfordshire and would be interested to find out more about the Launchpad, contact helenl.johnson@oxfordshire.gov.uk.

Participating schools are: St Birinus School, Didcot Girls School. Larkmead School, Fitzharrys School and John Mason School. Participating employers include STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy and BMW Group Plant Oxford.