
Oxford Venturefest 8th July - Pitching for Success

Are you looking for funding?

Need business support?

Would like to find a collaborator for your idea?

Require skills to get the business off the ground?

If so, then why not look at the opportunity to pitch your need to the Venturefest audience as part of the Pitching for Success session in the Funding Stream between 9.30am and 4.30pm.   There will be a morning and an afternoon ‘Pitching for Success’ where companies will pitch direct to the audience (three minutes each). 

Each pitching session will include a funding panel of professionals from grant, equity, debt and crowdfunding.  Each panellist will give an overview to the audience of what they look for when investing or funding a company followed by Q&A for the audience. 

Finally a number of organisations that will put together a support package for the top pitches.  

More information about Pitching4Success can be found via website: http://www.venturefestoxford.com/

To apply please download the application form: http://www.venturefestoxford.com/venturefest-2015/programme/pitchfest-and-funding/pitching-for-success-applications/

Please feel free to forward to contacts or companies you think would be interested or would benefit from the opportunity to pitch.