Cherwell District Council's Economic Development team work with businesses in North Oxfordshire and help them to get established and access support in the district.
Deliver and attract specialist and flexible skills at all levels, across all sectors, as required by our businesses, with full, inclusive employment and fulfilling jobs.
Provide the quality environment and choice of homes needed to support growth and capitalise upon the exceptional quality of life, vibrant economy and the dynamic urban and rural communities of our county.
Encourage innovation led growth, underpinned by Oxfordshire's strengths in University research and development, business collaboration and supply chain potential.
Allow people to move freely, connect easily and provide the services, environment and facilities needed by a dynamic, growing and dispersed economy.
RT @BlenheimPalace: With the days slowly drawing longer we are looking forward to seeing the Park begin to spring to life and for the b…
RT @NigelCEO: We are recruiting for a new Director of Corporate Services. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding role…
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