
New Jobs and Investment for UK Advanced Engineering Excellence

Harwell Oxford based, Cella Energy, is one of the companies who chose to profile their international business at the British Business Embassy on Friday (10thAugust 2012) highlighting UK excellence in Advanced Engineering.

At the event, the Deputy Prime Minister announced new jobs and investment for UK advanced engineering. Cella Energy, who is working with NASA on advanced research programmes including space satellite radiation shielding, will generate up to 25 new UK jobs.

The summit explored the UK’s capability in this high growth sector and investments into the UK; how the collaboration between academia and business has helped the UK retain and build its leading edge position; supply chain excellence and British engineering.

The press release stated that the UK has the largest aerospace industry in Europe and the second largest in the world (after the USA), with a 17 per cent global market share. Meanwhile, the Motorsport sector supports 38,500 jobs with two thirds of F1 teams based in the UK.

Here in Oxfordshire, building on our strengths in technology and advanced engineering, there is a growing cluster of organisations dedicated to advances in space related technologies and development of satellite applications.

In addition, Oxford is at the Centre of Motorsport Valley where three Formula 1 racing teams - AT&T Williams F1, Caterham, and Lotus Renault GP F1 call Oxfordshire their home.

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