Free seminars for Oxfordshire businesses
OBS and the ICAEW Business Advice Service (BAS) are running a series of free bespoke seminars for Oxfordshire businesses.
These seminars aim to help small and medium sized businesses and ‘start-ups’ in Oxfordshire to grow and develop their businesses.
Upcoming seminars:
- How to raise finance to develop your business - Wednesday 7th September, 6-8pm, Milton Park
This seminar will encourage you to consider traditional and alternative sources of finance to grow your business. Expert presentations on:- Sources of finance
- Traditional
- Alternative
- Funding new ideas
- Applying for finance
- The process
- Preparing a business plan
- Monitoring cash flow
- Sources of finance
- How to source and bid for opportunities for your business - October - registration page coming soon
These seminars are free to attend but places are limited and must be booked in advance.
For more information please contact enquiries@oxfordshirebusinesssupport.co.uk.
ICAEW is the professional body for Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. In addition to its role in supporting and regulating ICAEW Chartered Accountants the ICAEW seeks to make a contribution to the UK growth agenda by raising confidence in financial awareness of SMEs and start-ups.
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