Oxfordshire business partnership welcomes latest boost to county’s transport system
The start of the main phase of work on the new £11.8m Harwell Link Road has been welcomed by the organisation representing business and enterprise in Oxfordshire.
Beginning on Thursday 19 January 2017 and due to be completed in Spring 2018, the B4493 will connect to the A417, which will improve access to the Enterprise Zone and reduce local congestion.
The project is part funded by Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Access to Enterprise Zone funding programme, as well as from City Deal and Oxfordshire County Council’s transport capital budget.
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of the local road network in Harwell; it will relieve Harwell Village of through-traffic by 250 trips per hour, as well as reducing congestion elsewhere in the area, by providing more route options.
Nigel Tipple, Chief Executive of OxLEP, says: “More than 5,000 people work within the Harwell site every day so this is project is of great importance, as it will deliver an array of benefits to those currently living and working in the area.
“In future, we expect more businesses to move to this prime location, boosting local employment opportunities, and with new housing developments planned for the area, improvements to the road networks now are imperative. Not only will this ease the flow of traffic in and out of the area, but it will also help to relieve daily through-traffic for local residents.”
The project is being delivered by Oxfordshire County Council on behalf of OxLEP. For regular progress updates, please sign up to the OCC roadwork bulletin: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/sign-roadwork-bulletin.
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