
Electronics and Sensors

Oxfordshire has a well established electronics industry with over twice the national proportion of people employed in the field of optoelectronics.  Commercial activity is diverse and encompasses R&D, design and manufacturing, with expertise ranging across photonics and micro electronics systems. With leading R&D academic expertise, The University of Oxford is in the ‘Top 10’ universities in the world for Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Physics.  Oxfordshire has a track-record in attracting global electronics companies, including Toshiba and Chinese owned CN Innovations and is also home to Sharp Laboratories of Europe, the European research centre for Sharp Corporation.

An ideal location for testing, analytics and diagnostic companies, R&D facilities of particular relevance to the electronics industry include Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron science facility.  The Remote Applications in Challenging Environments Centre  (RACE) at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy,  capitalises on the remote handling systems developed at Culham for the Joint European Torus (JET) fusion project. The centre can be used on a commercial basis, with testing of robotic equipment and advanced sensors in applications ranging from space to the advanced nuclear fission industry.

Read the 2016 Oxfordshire Electronics and Sensors Sector Profile here.

For more information on Oxfordshire's Electronics and Sensors Sector please email invest@investinoxfordshire.com